Row to the Future Breakfast with George Pocock Rowing Foundation
With over 22,000 youth participating annually, Row to the Future is one of the George Pocock Rowing Foundation’s greatest youth development initiatives. The Row to the Future Benefit Breakfast is the largest annual fundraising event for the GPRF's comprehensive need-based scholarship and community engagement programming.
Favorite Rowing Apparel by Region
I think by the end of my first practice, most of this water was in our boat. I made it out of that first practice alive, but my cotton capris did not. Not only were they saturated in river water, but they now had grease marks from getting caught in the slide. I continued to come to practice poorly dressed and ill-prepared. It took me the better part of a year of novice rowing to realize that I was doing it all wrong.
International JL Rowing Rep: Portia Brown
As the International Sales rep at JL Racing, I get the pleasure to work with our partners located in Australia, Belgium, Germany, New Zealand, and the UK, as well as directly with teams and individuals from everywhere else in the world. With so many options for manufacturers out there, it is awesome that they choose JL. But why do they choose JL?! I tend to believe it is for some core reasons; Quality and Great Customer Service.
Where You Can Go In Rowing-Jennifer Lewis's Story
Learn about our very own JL reps journey with rowing and what her path has been!
Being the Parent of a Rower by, Jennifer Lewis
What you need to know about being the parent of a rower.
Row to Tokyo Million Dollar Challenge
The National Rowing Foundation (NRF), together with USRowing (Princeton, N.J.) announced the launch of the Row to Tokyo Million Dollar Challenge Campaign. The Challenge runs through June 30, 2020 and it is a dollar for dollar matching grant, up to $500,000, sponsored by a generous group of NRF donors.
Celebrating Black History Month By, Maurice Scott
Never in a million years would I have thought to be recognized the way I was let alone have my medals and pictures put in a museum highlighting the history of rowing in Philadelphia alongside many great athletes who took part in its growth.
Want to join in making a difference? Help raise funds for Newport Sea Base Rowing, a 501(c) (3) non-profit community-based rowing organization, that relies on tax-deductible donations. NSBR works hard to keep participation fees as low as possible to keep barriers of entry to a minimum in this cost-intensive sport.
Have you ever wondered why JL started using sublimation? Read up on the amazing benefits here!
Connor's Erg Challenge 2020
Connor's Erg Challenge is a 100km virtual erg event, done in relay fashion from each school’s own venue. All money raised supports US pediatric brain cancer research.
24-Hour Rowing & 1 Million Meter World Record Breakers!
Ten rowers from Lake County Rowing just broke the world record for the longest distance in 24 hours! In addition, they along with 22 others broke the 1 million meter world record! Congratulations!
I never cared what they thought, until...
There we were, around the table. Adults with a purpose and each of us contributing. I punctuated a concept with a wave of my hands and there it is...the man across the table--his eyes shift perceptively as he registers that this woman has furry pits.