Introducing the Brentwood Virtual Race Series

To help our Rowing Community remain healthy, active and engaged, Brentwood College School invites you to participate in their Virtual Erg or Run Race Series. They have created 3 events running from April to June to keep us all competitive and fit! You can enter an unlimited number of teams consisting of 2 or 4 athletes in the categories below. Contact us at for more details. We hope to see you at the races! (like virtually…)

Entries Close Wednesday, April 22, 2020, at 11:59 pm PDT

Letter from Laryssa Biesenthal (ChPC) OLY Head of Rowing-

"Dear Coaches,

First of all, I hope this email finds you and your loved ones safe and healthy during this challenging time.

When the High School Rowing season was canceled we fielded a lot of calls, emails, and zoom meetings with kids who were saying  “we trained hard for the past 7 months and now we have no races to attend to” - “ the FUN part of our season has been taken from us- I have no motivation to continue to train…”

Then I found an online virtual erg race in the US- entered the kids- and overnight the kids were excited, motivated and happy to be training again.

We all know that for optimal health is important for not just our Junior Rowers, but our entire Rowing Community to stay active through this crisis.

So Drew and I bounced around many ideas- and came up with what we think will be a FUN, motivational tool to keep our rowers active through until June.

We know that not all have ergs at home, but we know that all have running shoes!  So we created either an erg or run option to join in the FUN!

Hope you will all join us!"

Laryssa Biesenthal 

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