JL RACING and USROWING were both founded in 1982. Since our mutual inceptions, at JL, we have always had a strong respect and appreciation for all USRowing does for our community. In 2018, JL was proud to join forces with USRowing and become the primary apparel sponsor for USRowing and our National teams.

Beyond our work together, this partnership has also brought JL a new understanding of how tirelessly the USRowing staff and organization work to serve our sport. From our Juniors to our Olympic athletes and all of us in between, USRowing provides a mountain of value to all of us. They manage and sponsor our greatest events, they educate our athletes and coaches across a complete curriculum, they have built and continue to maintain the greatest national rowing team in the world, and so much more. Simply said, USRowing is an essential pillar in our community.

Yet the Covid-19 pandemic is straining USRowing’s ability to continue to serve our sport in the great manner it always has. We all are experiencing this hardship together. But our sport defines resilience. We are erging in our basements and soon we will back on the water. Let us unify and help where we can now so that we can all continue to enjoy one of the greatest sports and communities we have.

If you can, please consider renewing your membership or becoming a first-time member of USRowing to receive the amazing benefits it provides and support the organization in this time of need.

Learn more on how USRowing is serving you and our sport during this time.


Thank you for your consideration and stay healthy!


Kellen Brink – CEO, JL Racing

Jonathan Maloney – COO, JL Racing


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